About Karsuneka
Karsuneka Clinic is committed to provide the best quality care for every patient. Our dedication to excellence and innovation is rooted in our devotion to health sciences, to supports every aspect of our mission and the service we provide to our patients. Karsuneka Clinic treat and diagnoses patients of all ages with the best service, and focuses on the treatment, prevention and health for wellbeing of the entire patient. Our clinic has the best equipment and well trained staff that will optimize each patient's care.

Our Doctor
Dr. Kardi Suteja, SpU. has been a urologist in Bali, Indonesia, since 2002. Graduated from University of Indonesia on 2001. He began his career through private practice at Karsuneka Urology Clinic as a urological surgeon. He's held this position for the past 18 years. From 2003 until now Dr. Kardi has been practicing as well as a urologist in Puri Raharja Hospital and Prima Medika Hospital in Denpasar, Bali.
During 2002 - 2018, beside practicing in private hospitals he also work in the government hospital as a urologic consultant at Udayana Military Hospital Denpasar and Bhayangkara Police Hospital Denpasar.
Around 2002-2004, Dr. Kardi was also a urology consultant for many private hospitals in Bali. These include: Kasih Ibu Hospital, Surya Husada Hospital, Bhakti Rahayu Hospital, Dharma Usada Hospital, Graha Usada Hospital, Graha Asih Hospital, Dharma Yadnya Hospital, Manuaba Hospital, SOS Clinic and BIMC Clinic At that time, there were not many urologist practicing in Bali. Dr. Kardi was the third urologist in all around Bali. He was the first introducer non invasive treatment for stone by using Extra Corporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy (ESWL) in Bali. Dr. Kardi also became one of the initiators and founders who establised the Bali urological association.
Our Doctor
Dr. dr. Wira Gotera, SpPD-KEMD, FINASIM is an Internal Medicine Specialist in Bali. He graduated from Medical Faculty of Indonesia University and has additional qualifications as an endocrinologist and doctoral program from Royal Adelaide Hospital, Medical Faculty of Udayana University.
Dr. dr. Wira Gotera, SpPD-KEMD, FINASIM has extensive medical experience in the fields of general medicine, internal medicine. And has become a part or received an award as Chief of Primary Healthcare in Ermera Earst-Timor (Timor Leste Now), IDI or Indonesian Doctor Association (member), Dept at Internal Medicine Kuala Kapuas Hospital Central Kalimantan Indonesia, PAPDI or Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine (member), Perkeni or Indonesian Association of Endocrinologist (member), Chairman of Diabetic Association Bali-Indonesia.